Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Masterclass

Search traffic has been the most sought after traffic for decades for its capability to bring high precision leads and potential customers to business. A certified SEO professional that truly understands the framework, strategy and tactics that work are wanted by many businesses and organizations. 

This course prepares you to become the SEO veteran that is able to generate highly targeted organic traffic from search engines.

Programme Details

This is an SEO certification course that focus on strategy that works. We developed the step by step formula so that everyone can follow and duplicate the success. The course will help you to save time by forgoing things that is not effective and focusing on tactics that can help you to drive desired search traffics quickly to your website, so that you can realize SEO profits as soon as possible. 

If you are aspiring to become a digital marketer, whether looking for a new job or become a freelance professional, then SEO is a good starting point for you. As SEO is focusing on organic traffics and does not involve heavy investment on media buy, it is very sought after by many businesses and you could use your SEO skills to earn freelance side income via various business model that we shared in this course. This course is suitable for beginner as well. 

Section 1: SEO Frameworks

Section 2: SEO Winning Strategies

Section 3: How To Attract The Right Audience

Section 4: How To Create Content That Fuel SEO

Section 5: How To Optimize Web Page For SEO

Section 6: 10x Success From Small Achievements

This certification course consist of 1 day (7 hours) of online course via Zoom. After the lesson of demonstration and skills practice, learner will apply what they learn instantly to start building their online asset for highly targeted organic traffics. 

You will deep understanding about the SEO process from understand the current trend, attracting the target audience, SEO initial setup, creating contextual rich content, optimizations based on what the algorithm wants, utilising AI, to ultimately scaling your SEO success. 

The SEO skills you acquired from this course will allow you to qualify for many digital marketing positions, charge businesses who need your SEO expertise, and start a new business.  

Course Fees: RM 1,997
Early Bird: RM 997 (100%
HRDF Claimable) 

Terrence Chung | ACLP | MBA | HRD Corp Accredited

Terrence is a Digital Strategist graduated from Nanyang Technological University(NTU) with an Honours Degree in Computer Engineering and holds an MBA. 

Specialising in omni-channel marketing and performance marketing, he is currently an advisor to agencies and businesses in various digital transformation aspects.

He is a digital marketing course instructor, keynote speaker, and business coach. He started training marketing professionals and business owners about effective digital marketing since 2012. He has since trained and coached thousand of individuals from various industries. He is an adjunct lecturer in tertiary institutions and also an ACLP certified Adult Educator of SkillsFuture Singapore Work-Study Programmes.

All courses will be delivered online via Zoom. Course materials and assignment will be uploaded to virtual classroom and learners can interact with the instructors and course mates via virtual classroom. 

Become A Certified Professional in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

And Start Getting Massive Organic Traffics